A controversial new measure
From 2025, the French government plans to tax e-cigarette liquids at 15 cents per milliliter. This decision, which stems from an amendment to the 2025 budget, has provoked numerous reactions. While some see it as a means of regulating vape use, others believe the measure is counterproductive and risks diverting smokers to more dangerous products. In this article, we’ll look at the details of this new taxation and explain why it would be more advantageous to opt for natural alternatives like the laser therapy proposed by MyLaserTabac toquit smoking for good.

Taxation Details: An Increase for Consumers
An Amendment to Budget 2025
The amendment introduced by the deputies provides for e-liquids to be taxed at 15 cents per milliliter. According to estimates, this measure aims to bring the taxation of vape products into line with that of traditional cigarettes. The stated aim is to dissuade young people and smokers from using e-cigarettes as an alternative to tobaccoproducts.
Justifications for the Measure
The government is justifying this increase with a desire for prevention, arguing that vape products contain nicotine, an addictive substance. The idea is to limit the appeal of these products, particularly for younger people, who might be tempted by e-cigarettes in the belief that they are a less harmful option than conventional cigarettes.
However, many public health experts and tobaccologists believe that this measure could have unexpected negative effects. Recent testimony has highlighted the risks of this strategy, including that of smokers turning to traditional cigarettes rather than paying more for vape liquids.
Is it counterproductive?
The risk of a return to traditional smoking
One of the main criticisms of this new taxation is that it could drive smokers back to conventional cigarettes. For many users, the electronic cigarette is perceived as a less dangerous alternative to tobacco. If the cost of e-liquids rises significantly, some consumers may switch back to conventional tobacco increasing their exposure to the risks of cancer, lung disease and cardiovascular disease.

Testimonials from healthcare professionals
Visit Dr. Gérard Audureau a tobaccologist in Paris, expressed his concerns: “Taxing e-cigarettessends the wrong message to smokers. For those trying to reduce or quit smoking, vape remains a less risky option. Taxing them in the same way as conventional cigarettes risks discouraging many smokers who are looking to switch to a less harmful product.
Other healthcare professionals share this opinion. Visit Dr. François Bachelot E-cigarettes have helped thousands of smokers quit or reduce their tobacco consumption. Raising taxes could lose this advantage and increase the number of cancers and smoking-related diseases.”
A Safer Alternative: Laser Therapy for Quitting Smoking
The Anti-Smoking Laser, a Gentle and Effective Solution
Faced with this situation, it’s more relevant than ever to look for natural alternatives to stop smoking. Among these, laser therapy stands out as a gentle and effective method. This technique, offered by MyLaserTabac, is based on the stimulation of auricular points with a gentle laser, helping to reduce nicotine cravings and promote successful withdrawal.
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The benefits of laser therapy
- Non-invasive method: Unlike patches or e-cigarettes, laser therapydoes not use nicotine. It simply stimulates specific points to reduce cravings .
- No side effects: No chemicals, no addictive substances. It’s a natural solution for getting rid of addiction.
- Fast, lasting results: Many smokers report a significant reduction in their desire to smoke from the very first sessions.
At MyLaserTabacwe support our customers throughout their journey towards a tobacco-free life, offering personalized follow-up and sessions tailored to each individual.

What are the risks for consumers?
Economic and health impact
This taxation could have an impact not only on smokers‘ wallets, but also on their health. By making vape liquids more expensive, the government risks creating a deterrent effect against an effective withdrawal product. This could lead to an increase in the consumption of conventional cigarettes, which remain, according to experts, far more dangerous.
The Smokers’ Dilemma
With rising prices, smokers are faced with a dilemma: continue vaping despite the high cost, or switch back to cheaper but much more harmful cigarettes. To avoid this difficult choice, it’s essential to promote solutions that stop addiction naturally and effectively, such as laser therapy.
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Why Choose MyLaserTabac to Stop Smoking?
The decision to tax e-cigarettes in 2025 raises many questions about the effectiveness of public smoking cessation policies. For smokers who really want to quit, it’s important to find alternatives that work and aren’t impacted by unexpected price increases.
At MyLaserTabac, we offer a natural and proven solution to help you kick your smoking habit with our laser therapy method. With personalized follow-up and a non-invasive method, we guarantee support throughout your withdrawal.
Contact us today to find out more about our services and start your journey towards a tobacco-free life. Don’t wait any longer, and take advantage of our laser therapy to say goodbye to cigarettes and avoid the pitfalls of the new taxes on electronic cigarettes!